Saturday Crafting Session

Come and join our Saturday crafting session. Bring your machine, your hand-sewing, your crochet or your knitting. Everything is provided for you for the whole day so you can relax and have someone else look after you all day while you just chat and create.

Date:    Saturday 8th June, 2012

Time:   1:00pm to 11:00pm

Venue:  Crowne Plaza Canberra, Binara Street, Canberra.


  • Sandwich lunch, on arrival.
  • Tea and coffee available all day and evening
  • Afternoon tea (something sweet).
  • Dinner at Tongue and Groove
  • A goody bag with fabulous gifts from our sponsors!
  • Entry into the huge prize giveaway, with loads of prizes from our sponsors!
  • The opportunity to participate in workshops at the Crafting Session
  • The option to join us for the Friday Crafty Shopping Trip, and the Sunday Fabric Stencil Printing Workshop (both at extra cost).
  • The rare chance to meet your blogging friends from all over Australia in one place (the best part!).

Cost:  $148 per person

You can reserve your place here.


I’m always asked what to expect from the Saturday Crafting Session…..

The Saturday Crafting Session starts at 1pm and finishes at 11:00pm.
You’ll be visiting the Handmade Market in the morning at your leisure. This is at the National Convention Centre, a very short walk from the Crowne Plaza and opens at 10:00am.
Please head to the Glebe Room at the Crowne Plaza Hotel at 1pm as lunch will be served immediately. Your afternoon tea and dinner are included, so you don’t need to worry about food for the rest of the day.
What happens is that you bring along something to work on – can be your machine or something to sew/knit/crochet/stitch by hand and you work on that for as much as you want. One year Patch Andi made a whole quilt and quilted it in a day. I did 8 stitches. So that’s the spectrum.
We’ll be sitting at tables – nothing preassigned – just find somewhere to sit when you arrive. But everybody moves around to chat and meet everyone and to see what you’re making.
It’s very casual and informal, but oh so friendly and absolutely wonderful to meet people in person that you’ve only known online.
There will be lots of laughter, and even a few tears when people start talking about things that really affect them, and it’s wonderful to see friendships made right in front of you.
A few things do happen during the day to break it up – stopping for food, and for the Sample Swap, and for the prize giveaway, and we’ll be leaving the hotel for dinner. It’s nice to get a little fresh air.
You will have the opportunity to participate in workshops, including a Craft Schmaft Sock Owl workshop, book here.
This year, we’re all hanging out quite late together! Dinner is included in the ticket price, and then we’ll return to the hotel for more crafting….until 11:00pm!
Don’t forget to sign up for the swaps – you will really get the most out of SIT by becoming involved like that.
Basically, I think you’ll have a wonderful day….and night!

81 Responses to “Saturday Crafting Session”

  1. thornberry Says:

    Oh yes, I’ll be there! I’m in Melbourne and am really looking forward to coming along.

  2. donna Says:

    Yes, I will be there! Count me in.

  3. Andi Says:

    Where do I pay?

  4. crafty bloggers unite « creative controller Says:

    […] at the Radison Flagstaff Gardens in Melbourne and that is also where there is going to be a crafting session on the […]

  5. Kate Says:

    I can’t commit to the entire day but may pop in for an hour or so in the afternoon x

  6. Cass Says:

    I’ll be there

  7. Melanie Says:

    Again, if I can wrangle the idea of not being present for eldest daughters b’day, would be front row centre for this day!

  8. Bronwyn Says:

    Would love to come – thanks so much Sheridan!!

  9. sophie Says:

    For sure!!!!

  10. Tania Says:

    Me three!

  11. Tanya - Melbourne, Australia Says:

    I’ll be there! Sounds fantastic!! Thanks, Sheridan.

  12. bec Says:

    yep, sign me up!

  13. corrie Says:

    yes!!! I won’t be staying at the hotel as we have family but yes i”ll be there


  14. Tinniegirl Says:

    Hi Sheridan. I’m really interested in joining in. I’m a Melbourne based blogger. What do I need to do to sign up for the Saturday event? Also happy to provide assistance with coordination if you need helping hands.


  15. JotsMum Says:

    I am a Melbourne based blogger and would be interested. I need to figure out childcare first though. Hopefully I can confirm before Christmas. Great idea to do this. Let me know if you need help organising it.

  16. Cindy Says:

    Would love to come! Another melbourne local

  17. Tamara Says:

    You know I would love to be there but given I will have an 8 week old newbie I think an all day crafting session would be a stretch… but if there is still room and a newborn is welcome let me know…tam xo

  18. Our First Sponsor! « Sew It Together Says:

    […] has generously offered a free little parcel of fabric to every participant at the Saturday Crafting Session! How awesome is […]

  19. Two Cheese Please Says:

    Ok, I caved in. I would like to come please!


  20. Jodie Says:

    I don’t think I can wrangle the whole shenanigans – as I have stitches and craft and sewjourn in the same month , but I would love to come down for the saturday crafting session….

  21. Karen Says:

    I’d love to come along – what a great idea.
    I’m Melbourne based too.

  22. Celeste Says:

    Am melbourne based, would love to come and join in the crafting fun!

  23. Liesl Says:

    Sounds fabulous – I would love to attend. I’m Melbourne-based too.

  24. Nikki Says:

    Another Melbourne person. I’d love to be there.

  25. Anna Boyd-Dunlop Says:

    I`m also in Melbourne and would love to come.


  26. Julie Says:

    Love to come, I won’t need accommodation.

  27. Cate Says:

    Sounds like fun, I’m interested in coming along! I live in Melbourne and don’t need accomodation. There’s a few places like Amitie that hire out space for crafting if you need different options…I’d be happy to help with this if needed, although I can see the appeal in a hotel that does it all 🙂

  28. Gina Says:

    Hi, I’m Melbourne-based and would love to come to this!

  29. Bianca Says:

    Yes please, count me in! Looking forward to meeting all you southerners 🙂

  30. sweet emmelie Says:

    I would be interested plus i will be staying at the hotel.

  31. dearmolly Says:

    In Melbourne and would love to come!

  32. Carmel Says:

    Sounds like fun!

  33. Lyn Says:

    I would love to come and will stay at the hotel

  34. Another Sponsor! « Sew It Together Says:

    […] Today I am delighted to announce that Jodie of Vintage RicRac has offered a gift to every attendee at the Saturday Crafting Session. […]

  35. Suzanne Says:

    Ooo – how exciting 🙂 Count me in. How can I pay the deposit?

  36. Carolyn Says:

    ohh, am i soon enough- im in Melbourne. How do I pay?

  37. Claire - Matching Pegs Says:

    I am another Melbourne Based blogger.

    This sounds fantastic, I would love to join in – have I made the cut off?

    Just tell me how to pay the deposit and I will be there!

  38. CurlyPops Says:

    Hi Sheridan
    I would love to join in for the Saturday craft session. I’m in Melbourne so I hope I’ve made it before the cut off!

  39. Caroline Says:

    Hi – I come from Brisbane. Would love to come along to the craft session (any excuse to visit my hometown!).

  40. Allison Says:

    Hi, I would love to come on the Saturday, I’m from Country Victoria! Thanks x

  41. Jo Says:

    Hi, I would love to come. Am from Canberra (or actually country NSW, near Canberra). Will stay in the hotel and sign on for all events. Thanks!!

  42. sooz Says:

    Yes please! I am a local.

  43. Deborah Says:

    Would love to join you on the day. I’m from Ballarat…. is there still room to join?

  44. Ellen Says:

    Hi there… I’d like to come along Saturday. I am a Melbourne local. Thanks…

  45. Leah Says:

    Love to come. Im local too. cant wait to meet everyone!
    Thanks heaps

  46. Jacinta Says:

    Hi. Would love to come along, and I am just a tram trip away. Hoping there are still places. Look forward to hearing from you.

  47. Mary Says:

    I’d love to come too please if there is still space, I’m also in Melb.

  48. Nyssa Rae Says:

    Hi there,

    I’d love to come, I’ll be bringing a non crafty friend to ease the trip (first time in Melbourne, first time away from the Bub etc). She’ll prob come on the shopping trip, so I have support for the initial meeting of ppl lol, but other than that, she doesn’t want to take up a space of someone else who wants to be there! :D. I’m looking at staying at the Citigate too.

    NB: I’m in Brisbane.


  49. Gypsy Says:

    I’d love to come, will be bringing a friend, send details so I can pay deposit please!!!! Thanks 🙂

  50. juddie Says:

    Oh please count me in! I’ll happily pay my deposit straight away 🙂
    I’m a local gal…

  51. Abbe Says:

    I’d like to book a spot if I may for the Saturday crafting sessions (I live 1.5hrs out of Melbourne if I need to count as a non-Mlebournite). I’m happy to pay my deposit whenever you need it.

  52. Pam Ledger Says:

    My niece Abbe asked if I would like to go to this with her, so if you have a place left that would be great. I live in UFTG so I don’t see as much of her as I would like. Let me know about the deposit etc. She has booked for the Saturday crafting session.


  53. Thea Says:

    Oh yes, I forgot to confirm this. I would love to attend as I will be participating in the Stitches and Craft Show. I would be happy to be a sponsor too. So send me a bill for the deposit! 🙂

  54. sweet emmelie Says:

    Hi there,

    Shoot, I have just payed non refundable plane tickets to melbourne from NZ. Just tryed to transfer money over to your account but have to sort out with my bank. Oh please say you have space for me. I am sharing with Bianca at the hotel but haven’t sorted that out yet.

    p.s can you please send me an email to cause shock horror I havent told my husband yet. Just waiting for a good time;0)

  55. bec Says:

    Hi, I couldn’t find this blog for a little while for some reason, now back on track, can I send you the depsosit? I really want to come! And would like to ‘be a sponsor’ ie make something- tote bags, yo-yo brooches, something to commemmorate the event. Let me know If I can do this,


  56. Susan L Says:

    I’m a local who would like to attend … but not staying at the hotel so I guess I’m now on the waiting list for any spots that come up later. Can’t wait to hear as I’ve put my name on the waiting list for the Friday activities.

  57. Cindy Says:

    Putting myself on the Melbourne waiting list. Thanks

  58. Cate Says:

    Argh I didn’t realise the post had been updated, I was expecting to receive an email….could I be added to the Melbourne waiting list please?

  59. Jan Says:

    I’m a Ballarat blogger who has just found out about this event (I’m a bit slow!) and would love to be added to the waiting list for the Saturday crafting.

  60. MoederKip Says:

    Hi – I’ve only just found out about this, but if any places come up, I’d love to be considered.

  61. sue brown Says:

    hi I’m interstate and would love to come if there are any places left that is.
    Sue-Mt Gambier SA

  62. Kylie Says:

    What a fab idea – will this be run in other cities as well – A brisbane one would be great:) Wish I could make it to this one but that is not going to happen and you appear to be full:)

  63. tikki Says:

    Am I too late for this? I am so out of the loop!!!
    I’d love to go if I can. I’m country VIctoria on the Bellarine Peninsula? 🙂

  64. knitababy Says:

    Just came across this today. I love it! Can I please come, I’m in country Victoria near Daylesford. I’ll pay a deposit if I can get a place. 🙂

  65. Tina Says:

    Hello! Can you stick me on the waiting list please – another Melbourne blogger. Cheers! Tina

  66. Renae Moseling Says:

    Are there still any spots left for out-of-staters? I’d love to come, and have convinced hubby it would make an awesome birthday present! Please let me know.

  67. rachelle Says:

    I would LOVE to come, wish i had known about this sooner!!!!!!!!!!! Pretty please with sugar on top add me to the list, I’m from country Victoria (sometimes it does feel like interstate).

  68. Katia (plushka) Says:

    Hi! Is it still possible to get in or I am too late??? I would love to come!!!! Please. let me know:)

  69. beck Says:

    Hi, I am keen to come to the Saturday craft session, I am from Daylesford. Is there still room? Thanks so much xo

  70. Chantell Says:

    A friend just told me about this yesterday!!! Would love to go on the wait list for Sat day session please. From SE melb suburbs.

  71. Toni Says:

    I’ve just found out about his from Lisa at Princess and the Monkey. I’m in Melbourne and would love to be put on the waiting list for the SAturday craft sessions.

  72. katherine Says:

    I’ve only recently found out about this event – not sure how I missed it, but am really keen. I’d love to be on the waiting list for the Saturday craft session. Any chance of coming along?!?

  73. Sandra @ Pepperberry & Co. Says:

    Ok, so my chances are super-slim, but I’d love to be a part of this- so I’m putting my name down and crossing my fingers that for some magical reason, the number of places will increase to take on all the late coming stragglers too!! xx

  74. Tallulah Summer Says:

    Hello, I’ll second what Sandra said 5 days before me. I would really love to join you – but I may have found you too late. Fingers cross there is a spot left for me…….. xxx

  75. Trudi Says:

    I know it is probably way, way, way too late but … can I please put my name on the waiting list? I would love to come – thanks, trudi

  76. chaletgirl Says:

    Please note that there are no vacancies and the waiting list is already long. I will be taking no more names. There’s always Sydney next year!

  77. Gaby Says:

    When do bookings close, for the Saturday Craft Session?
    I am still working on my husband about coming

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