Sew It Together Sponsor – Nicole Mallalieu Design!

If you went to Sew It Together in Melbourne last year, you might have been lucky enough to get to the studio of the divine Ms Nicole Mallalieu on the Friday night where we had an absolutely fantastic evening of amazing food (who made that chocolate peanut concoction? that was amazing!), refreshing beverages and a great tour of Nikki’s studio! (Oh my word…you should see her scrap bin..the treasures that you’d find in there!!!).

There were patterns galore:

And loads of samples:

Nicole Mallalieu is probably best known for fantastic bags and purses – both patterns and kits – and look at all these samples!

But she’s also clever enough to design a dress and a hat or two! And don’t forget she’s a marvellous source for bag supplies!

The great thing about Nicole Mallalieu patterns is that you learn some great techniques along the way, and you end up with a beautifully finished product.

If you need a bit of extra help and you live in, or visit, Melbourne, she runs lots of great classes and workshops. Wow. I just had another look at that list – I could do with a few of those workshops!!

Nikki has a gorgeous blog here, and you can find her on Facebook here.

Unfortunately, the lovely Ms Mallalieu herself can’t make it to SIT this year, and she will be missed! But in her place, she is sending a bunch of patterns and kits to giveaway as prizes at the Saturday Crafting Session.

Thanks so much, Nikki! We’d rather you were there in person, but it’s very sweet of you to send us some prizes! Thank you!! And let’s hope you can join us again next year!

One Response to “Sew It Together Sponsor – Nicole Mallalieu Design!”

  1. Becky et al. Says:

    I get a tad jealous every time I see Nikki advertise a class. I would LOVE to be able to go to one. I have not been brave enough to try any of Nikki’s patterns so I really look forward to being able to have a peek at a couple during Saturday. Maybe I will even win one (fingers crossed!).

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