Saturday Crafting Session

It started out as an inkling of an idea mentioned to the girls at The Craft Room, one Sunday last year. Cass said she’d be there without doubt. Sophie said she was in too. Corrie not only said she’d come, with her whole tribe, but offered there and then for Retromummy to be our very first sponsor.

I left thinking……does 4 make a ‘convention’? Will anyone else be interested?

I rang Donna and told her my  idea. She said I was stark raving mad, crazy, a lunatic….but she’d be right there beside me every step of the way. (Reminds me of that old joke: Don’t bother calling your best friend to come and bail you out of jail for some misdemeanor; she should be standing right there next to you in the cell).


I am absolutely delighted to tell you that I have filled all the places in the Saturday Crafting Session.

There are 60 craft bloggers coming from all over Australia, and even a couple from New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

In the end, thanks to cancellations and people dropping off the waiting list, almost everyone who wanted to come is actually coming.

I consider that a great success.

In addition, there another 5 bloggers coming to dinner (who aren’t coming to the Crafting Session) which makes a total of 65 bloggers involved in the event.

Thank you so much for all your support and enthusiasm. You make all the hard work worthwhile.


I’ll be back a few more times before next week. I’ve still got two sets of prizes to announce. Did I ever tell you a very kind lady offered me two more prizes to get the total to 60? I’ll tell you about it soon.

I’ll be posting a “what to bring” list which, hopefully, you will all add to with your own ideas so we have a good list of what to pack.

Plus a few more organisational bulletins.

And then before you know it, we’ll all be together in Melbourne next week!


10 Responses to “Saturday Crafting Session”

  1. Carmel Says:

    So excited – cant wait! Not long to go now!
    It is such a good idea, I hope it brings about a lengthy tradition.

  2. Carmel Says:

    Oh, and I should add, thanks to all of those involved in organising this, especially Sheridan. So much must be involved in the planning of such a huge event, you should be so proud of yourself! Hooray!!

  3. sophie Says:

    Not only have I told everyone I know how excited I am about Sew it Together but I have also mentioned you and your amazing organisational skills, your commitment and enthusiasm which made it all possible! I booked my tickets yesterday I am now counting down the days!

  4. jodie Says:

    can’t wait – and yes i will get the patterns to Nikki so you can grab them from her on Friday night….

  5. thornberry Says:

    Sheridan I am so incredibly impressed with you in a million ways! Thanks so much for organising this event (in my home town!) and I’m so looking forward to meeting you in real life.

  6. pinkfishbluefish Says:

    You really are awesome Sheridan! Thankyou so much for all the hard work you’ve put into organising this. We all really appreciate it. Can’t wait to meet you 🙂

  7. sweet emmelie Says:

    ooh I am so very excited now!!!very close indeed!

  8. corrie Says:

    ahhhh I remember the day well! never thought we’d get to 60! all because of your hard work…hope you’re booking yourself into a dayspa afterwards as a treat


  9. Cass Ward Says:

    I remember that day too and look where it got you. I can’t wait.

  10. Donna Says:

    ….. and I still think that you are mad.

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